- Acer Nitro 5 16 GB RAM / 1 GB SSD / 1 GB HDD i7-975H
- A49 Keyboard
- M-Audio Oxygen Pro Mini
- Maschine MK3
- NI Komplete Audio 6 Interface
- Dynaudio BM5 MKIII monitor speakers (active)
- Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO (250 Ohm)
- Roland VT-4 (Thanks to my best friend Marcus W. for sponsoring)
- Pioneer DDJ-400
- Lots of cables and so on...
- Studio One
- Maschine
- Izotope Pro Suite
- Massive and Massive X
- Xfer Serum
- Arturia Softsynths
- Omnisphere 2
- Trilian (Thanks to my best friend Marcus W. for sponsoring)
- Voice Synth Pro
- Instruments from Komplete 13
- Love and Wine
- and some VST's more...